A detailed financial plan is an important piece of any plan for retirement, no matter how simple your situation may be. When you work with Dugan Brown, you’re working with someone whose extensive knowledge of your retirement system is second to none.
Federal employee financial planning with Dugan Brown is the best way to get all those ducks in a row so that you can confidently enter a stress-free retirement. Here’s why our advisors are equipped to make sure that you can take full advantage of each benefit available to you, and that no surprises are waiting for you when you clock out of work that one final time.
Why Should You Work With a Financial Planning Company for Federal Employees?
It’s never too early to start planning your finances for your eventual retirement. While you’re in the midst of your career, retirement may be the last thing on your mind, but the sooner you start planning for it, the easier it will be to build a more secure financial foundation for your retirement.
As a financial planning company for federal employees, it’s our job to meet with you, learn about your priorities and goals, and work together with you to create a financial plan that leverages your assets, income, and unique retirement options as a federal worker. We want to find out what your retirement goals are, and create a plan that steadily marches you towards those goals by matching your asset allocation with your desired outcomes and risk tolerance.
By working together with our financial planning company for federal employees, you not only get the years of expertise that we bring to the table, but you also get your own time back. Financial planning is a stressful and time-consuming process when you’re trying to figure everything out for yourself. We make that process easier by identifying your options, opportunities and risks, laying out a comprehensive plan, and letting you make the decisions that you feel most comfortable with.
We are a group of licensed fiduciaries, and required to act in our client’s best interests at all times. However, you maintain final control over all of your financial decisions – all of our recommendations are made with your specific situation in mind, but at no point are you under any obligations to act on those recommendations if you don’t feel they’re right for you.
What Makes Us the Best Financial Planning Company for Federal Employees?
Obviously, when it comes to a federal employee’s financial planning, there are lots of options available. So you might be wondering, what is it that makes Dugan Brown the best financial planning company for federal employees specifically?
Simply put, while there may be many financial planning options for federal employees, very few of those options will understand the depth of your retirement system, and the expanded financial options available to federal employees. Effectively creating a federal employee’s financial planning strategy requires a full understanding of all the options available to you, and how you can leverage each of those options to the greatest effect.
Because Dugan Brown has extensive knowledge of the federal retirement system, we offer a unique take on financial planning that others cannot. Understanding the specifics of your pension, FEGLI, FEHB, and TSP, makes us able to identify opportunities and optimizations for a federal employee’s financial planning that others don’t have available to them.
If you’re ready to take command of your finances in retirement, contact our financial planning company for federal employees today and see how our experience and values set us apart from other financial planning services.